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Best way of losing weight is fasting, you don’t know that, right? Want to get help from your smart look and fit body? But you are suffering from extra weight? Fasting is the best way of losing weight. But before doing so,  you need to know how to fast for weight loss properly. Cause fasting

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Did you know that smoking is and always been a habit? What this really means is that before pills and patches were invented millions of people stopped the smoking habit without struggle and relapse. Smoking is a mind thing and you can’t change a habit with a pill. The few people that do stop smoking

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Did you know that millions of people stopped smoking 2-3 packs per day before pills and patches were invented? Do you know that people did not complain of irritability, weight gain, and rarely relapsed before nicotine replacement products. Why don’t we see smokers stop permanently as they did a few decades ago?  The cigarettes were

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How many pounds have you lost dwelling on what you ate two days ago;  berating yourself for eating the wrong thing  and putting an overweight picture on the refrigerator door?  The subconscious part of your mind contain both the picture of the way you want to look and the  large image of yourself.  When you 

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As a therapist-coach, I want to share the two most troublesome words that clients use that cause sabotage and distress. They are “What if?” We can use these two words and trigger anxiety and worry about something that may never happen. These words get the imagination involved in a self destructive way. What if I

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YOU’VE NEVER LOST WEIGHT LIKE THIS!! BEHAVIORAL WEIGHT LOSS BY PHONE SESSIONS… Trim-Style Behavioral Weight Loss consist of 1-10 private or conference call sessions. This no-diet personalized weight release program can be done any where. It targets and eliminate cravings for sweets, fattening foods, overeating, fast food, eating too fast and late night snacking. This

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